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Efficient Task Execution and Refinement through Multi-Resolution Corrective Demonstration

Çetin Meriçli, Manuela Veloso, and H. Levent Akın. Efficient Task Execution and Refinement through Multi-Resolution Corrective Demonstration. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012.





  author    = {Çetin Meriçli and Manuela Veloso and H. Levent Akın},
  title     = {Efficient Task Execution and Refinement through Multi-Resolution Corrective Demonstration},
  booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
  year      = {2012},
  abstract  = {},
  bib2html_pubtype = {Refereed Conference},
  bib2html_rescat = {Learning from Demonstration},
  bib2html_dl_pdf = {../files/cmericliICRA2012MRMPlusC.pdf},

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