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Joint Attention by Gaze Interpolation and Saliency

Zeynep Yücel, Albert Ali Salah, Çetin Meriçli, Tekin Meriçli, Roberto Valenti, and Theo Gevers. Joint Attention by Gaze Interpolation and Saliency. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B, 43:829–842, 2012.






 author = {Zeynep Yücel and Albert Ali Salah and Çetin Meriçli and Tekin Meriçli and Roberto Valenti and Theo Gevers},
 title = {Joint Attention by Gaze Interpolation and Saliency},
 journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part B},
 year = {2012},
 volume = {43},
 issue = {3},
 pages = {829--842},
 bib2html_pubtype = {Journal Article},
 bib2html_rescat = {Computer Vision, Human-Robot Interaction},
 bib2html_dl_pdf = {../files/yucelSMC12.pdf},

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