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Introduction to Autonomous Robotics with Lego Mindstorms

H. Levent Akın, Çetin Meriçli, Tekin Meriçli, and Ertan Doğrultan. Introduction to Autonomous Robotics with Lego Mindstorms. In MOBILE ROBOTICS- Solutions and Challenges, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2009), Istanbul, Turkey, 9 – 11 September 2009, O. Tosun, H. L. Akin, M. O. Tokhi and G S Virk (Ed.), World Scientific, 2009, pp. 733–740, 2009.




This paper describes an introductory robotics course where the Lego Mindstorms NXT kits are used as the robot platform. The aims, scope, and the contents of the course are presented and the design of the laboratory sessions is explained in detail. Finally, the term project of the course, for which the students were expected to design an autonomous robot to navigate in a maze to reach its goal and climb up a pole to complete the task, is elaborated from the students' point of view.


  author    = {H. Levent Akın and Çetin Meriçli and Tekin Meriçli and Ertan Doğrultan},
  title     = {Introduction to Autonomous Robotics with Lego Mindstorms},
  booktitle = {MOBILE ROBOTICS- Solutions and Challenges, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2009), Istanbul, Turkey, 9 – 11 September 2009, O. Tosun,  H. L. Akin, M. O. Tokhi and G S Virk (Ed.), World Scientific, 2009},
  pages     = {733-740},
  year      = {2009},
  abstract  = {This paper describes an introductory robotics course where the Lego Mindstorms NXT kits are used as the robot platform. The aims, scope, and the contents of the course are presented and the design of the laboratory sessions is explained in detail. Finally, the term project of the course, for which the students were expected to design an autonomous robot to navigate in a maze to reach its goal and climb up a pole to complete the task, is elaborated from the students' point of view.}, 
  bib2html_pubtype = {Refereed Conference},
  bib2html_rescat = {Robotics Education},
  bib2html_dl_pdf = {../files/akinCLAWAR2009Education.pdf},

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